Travel Blog

Read about the people, places, businesses, and history that make Kawarthas Northumberland special

A woman uses a hammer to tap a maple tree

Ziisbaakdoke Dabik Giizis: The Maple Sugaring Moon

Eliza Braden-Taylor is a cultural interpreter with the Curve Lake First Nation Cultural Centre. As maple syrup season approaches, we asked Eliza if she could share an Indigenous perspective on the history, meaning, and importance of maple season. She responded with a detailed and thoughtful account of the teachings she has encountered as a member

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Aerial view of kayakers paddling around a rocky island

A Trip Around the Lake with Lovesick Kayaking

After just a short time on the water it’s clear Stony Lake lives up to the name. Pines lean dramatically from rocky islands as we glide past in our kayaks, en route to a high bluff overlooking scenic Burleigh Falls. Alex Grant, owner and lead guide of Lovesick Kayaking, shepherds us into a sheltered bay

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Two men on a fishing boat, one holding a largemouth bass

Catching Bass with 2B Fishing’s Bobby Belmonte

It’s early in the morning, and we’ve just left the narrows and headed to one of Bobby Belmonte’s favourite fishing spots on Lower Buckhorn Lake. I’m using a wacky rig, a type of lure that flutters as it sinks. The theory is the motion will attract bass, and on my second cast it proves true.

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A pair of alpacas look at the camera

Meet the Time Travelling Alpacas: Wanderlight Launches Alpaca Quest

How to describe Wanderlight Alpaca Experience’s newest offering, Alpaca Quest? The popular Lakefield-area business offers some excellent agritourism experiences, like the Private Alpaca Walk that provides guests a chance to commune with a loveable group of alpacas. Alpaca Quest, though, is the first of its kind—best think of it as a time-travelling outdoor escape room,

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A smiling woman with two children on either side, each holding a maple syrup sample

Make Your Own Maple Syrup and More at The Roost Farm

A tour of The Roost Farm immediately shows you the range of the operation. Head down the farm track and you’ll pass the chicken coop first, where hens peck around garden boxes and Shep the border collie keeps a wary eye on the rooster. Beyond that, the route runs alongside an expansive field before heading

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A skier in a yellow jacket heads down a corridor of trees

Top 6 Winter Activities in Kawarthas Northumberland

Here in Kawarthas Northumberland, the outdoor season doesn’t stop when the cold weather hits. The region abounds with exciting ways to make the most of winter, and so we’ve compiled a few of our greatest hits into one place. If you see something that sparks your interest, just check the forecast, bundle up, and head

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A person looks out over a frozen creek

Six Winter Hiking Trails to Try in Kawarthas Northumberland

Many of the trails in this region are a pleasure in any season, so winter hiking doesn’t mean reinventing the wheel. Instead, you’ll find many of our local favourites transformed by a fresh blanket of snow, bracing air, and a quiet and calming atmosphere that’s unique to the season. We’ve selected the areas below for

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A snowy owl perched on a branch, wings spread

Winter Birding with Drew Monkman

In deep winter, unless you’re an avid skier or snowshoer, it can feel a bit like the outdoor season is on pause. According to naturalist and avid birder Drew Monkman, nothing could be further from the truth. “You can typically find 70 or so species of birds here from December through March,” he says. “Winter

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A young girl runs through a corn maze

Corn Mazes and Pumpkin Patches of Kawarthas Northumberland

Sure, the changing leaves are gorgeous—but corn mazes and pumpkin patches run a close second when it comes to classic fall imagery. Farms throughout Kawarthas Northumberland have stepped up to offer seasonal attractions that range from spooky to toddler-friendly, often with a corn maze as the centrepiece. Read on to discover several excellent ways to

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A hand-painted sign reading "Tours Check-In," surrounded by gourds

Life on the Farm: Agritourism at Harley Farms

Harley Farms is built on strong fundamentals. The Keene-area farm produces high welfare beef, pork, and lamb, as well as eggs, chicken, and turkey. That means ensuring their animals are free from stress, hunger, and thirst, as well as free to exhibit natural behaviours such as foraging and roaming. On top of that foundation, they’ve added agritourism experiences to help show the public exactly what that means.

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A woman in sunglasses holding a pint glasses wanders a sunflower field

Fall Brewery Tour: Four Craft Breweries in Kawarthas Northumberland

On a sunny day in late September, the Kawarthas Northumberland team set out to capture some fall imagery. Craft breweries made the perfect stops along the way, combining gorgeous scenery, warm hospitality, and excellent beer into one irresistible package. Below are profiles of four of the locations we visited, but there are many more spots

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Watercolour painting of white blossoms on a tree bough

Kawartha Autumn Studio Tour: Nan Sidler on Capturing a Sense of Place

Peterborough residents know the Old West End as one of the city’s most tranquil, beautiful neighbourhoods. For painter Nan Sidler, that makes it the perfect home base to pursue her chosen artform, landscape painting. “I just love the trees in the neighbourhood,” she says. “It’s so gorgeous.” Guests will have a chance to appreciate the

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